Amazon SageMaker vs. Google Cloud AI Platform

October 22, 2021

Amazon SageMaker vs. Google Cloud AI Platform

Artificial intelligence and machine learning are going more and more mainstream with the advent of more advanced platforms. Amazon SageMaker and Google Cloud AI Platform are two of the top cloud-based platforms in the industry. It is understandable if you find it difficult to identify which cloud service provider is the better choice. To make the comparison less confusing, we will discuss some of the fundamental differences between these two services, enabling you to make an informed decision.

Machine Learning Capabilities

Amazon SageMaker provides an extensive suite of machine learning algorithms and frameworks that you can use to develop tailor-made solutions through a step-by-step process or choose pre-built solutions. It also comes with a marketplace for standard models that you can access within the platform.

Google Cloud AI Platform has been evolving and now offers comparable machine learning capabilities like Amazon SageMaker. Such tools include TensorFlow, Keras, etc.

Cost Comparison

When it comes to cloud service, pricing is the essential factor. Amazon SageMaker charges an hourly rate, different according to your region, for the resources consumed during the time that your notebooks, models or endpoints are live. You can get a spot pricing of 70% to 90% discount compared to the on-demand hourly rate.

Google Cloud AI Platform bill based on resources usage, such as storage and data analysis. It is essential to check the pricing terms offered by both the service providers and go for the option that suits your pocket.

Amazon SageMaker Google Cloud AI Platform
Hourly Pricing $0.012 per hour $0.10-$0.40 per hour

Features Comparison

Amazon SageMaker supports the conversion of models to endpoint pipelines, providing an efficient inference platform. SageMaker model training is distributed, allowing users to train several models concurrently. The platform also allows developers to host their models in a more stable environment with better service quality.

Google Cloud AI Platform also supports endpoint pipelines, distributed training models, and Notebooks. It also provides a model selection framework to help users select the best-performing models by leveraging their chosen metrics.


Both Amazon SageMaker and Google Cloud AI Platform have comparable services in terms of machine learning capabilities, cost comparison, and features. Choosing one of these AI Platforms ultimately relies on your specific requirements, the budget you have, and ease of use. You should get a better understanding of the suitability of the two services after assessing the details we’ve provided.


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